The Textiles and Apparel Market in China (Update 2017)

report| 4 July 2017

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Despite China’s dominance in terms of production capacity, the textile and apparel market in the PRC still presents opportunities for the EU small and medium enterprises. We examine such opportunities including related services, and the key growth drivers. The macroeconomic data support the great potential of Chinese consumers market, however it persists yet a weak understanding of China’s market dynamics in the textile and apparel sector.

This report’s update includes a whole new set of textile applications, such as medical and hygienic textiles, geo-textiles, eco-dye or eco-friendly textiles, and China’s demand for high-end fabrics. For apparel the opportunities arise in the channels of specialty boutiques, and of course through e-commerce, since the online channel permeates the Chinese consumer habits. Finally, conclusion and recommendations are offered, providing also comprehensive tables which summarize the opportunities and a list of useful resources.

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