The Machinery Sector in China

report| 11 January 2018

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In 2016, value-added growth in the machinery industry grew by 9.6% year-on-year, which was higher than the overall manufacturing industry’s value-added growth of 6.0% over the same period. Amongst the 64 types of major machinery products, 41 types (64.1%) recorded an increase in output.

With the implementation of Made in China 2025 (comprehensive plan to improve China’s manufacturing industry and enable it to play a leading international role in the production of high-quality and innovative goods), the Chinese market offers many opportunities for EU SMEs in terms of high-end products and technology transfer focusing on smart manufacturing, digital manufacturing and green manufacturing.

This report aims to illustrate and explain the significant changes that have taken place in the machinery sector over recent years. It also looks at potential future trends and provides key successes factors to overcome barriers such as the lack of uniformity of regulations in different Chinese provinces.


1. Introduction
2. Market Size

3. Market Structure
Market Segments

  • Robotics, Automation and Connectivity
  • Agricultural Machinery
  • Construction Machinery
  • Heavy Machinery
  • Power Generating Machinery
  • Machine Tools
  • Basic Machinery Components
  • Distribution

4. Key Growth Drivers and Future Trends

  • Urbanisation to Lead to Further Investment in Infrastructure
  • Pressure from Chinese and International Markets to Force Upgrading in the Industry
  • Move Towards High-end and High Quality Equipment
  • Made in China 2025 Strategy

5.Regulatory Environment

  • CCC Mark
  • Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

6. Opportunities for EU SMEs

  • Machine Tools
  • Basic Machinery Components
  • Technology Transfer

7. Key Challenges for EU SMEs Doing Business in China

  • Market Access
  • Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
  • Building Relations with Chinese Partners

8.Report Summary

This report was published during the EU SME Centre in China Phase II (2014-2020), which was funded by the European Union (ICI+/2014/346-276).

The report was drafted in collaboration with external creators, who worked under service agreements with the Consortium running the EU SME Centre Phase II. The copyrights and intellectual property of this publication belong to the Consortium partner China-Britain Business Council. The latter was authorised by and acted on behalf of the Consortium running EU SME Centre in China Phase II. The China-Britain Business Council, which is currently part of the Consortium running the EU SME Centre in China Phase III, has granted the rights of use of this report to the current Consortium. The report is therefore re-published and made available during the EU SME Centre Phase III.

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