German Bio Energy: Turning Key Waste to Energy Plants (update 2017)

case-study| 12 March 2017

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German Bio Energy Technology (German Bio Energy) and its foreign technology and local marketing partners have been working in the biological waste to energy sector (design, construction and operation of large scale waste to energy plants) for over seven years in China. It opened its Chinese Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE) in 2009 after Markus Dicke, its General Manager, conducted market surveys to assess the Chinese market for waste to biogas. German Bio Energy started in the agriculture waste treatment as “German Bio Waste” and extended its business into the related field of biological city waste treatment. Mechanical biological treatment (MBT) is a harmless and efficient waste treatment, which could have many applications in China, especially when compared to the existing practice of waste burning or landfill. After successful completion of references in the agriculture field, German Bio Energy is currently completing one city waste plant in Zhejiang and has signed a joint venture in 2017 to build at least 100 biogas plants in the next five years.

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