The ABC to Handling Late Payments as a Foreign Business in China

  • Date
    09 January 2019 - 09 January 2019
  • Beijing Time
    All Day - All Day
  • Venue

Late payments are a widely spread issue in China that affects both domestic and foreign businesses. Small businesses are particularly hit hard by this situation, as not only do they have more limited access to financing, they also have limited bargaining power when negotiating payment terms and lack the means to put pressure on unwilling debtors.

On this webinar, Mr. René Bernard, Senior Associate for Business Development at Ecovis, provides an overview of the ABC on how to deal with late payments in China, including the background on the issue, the current regulatory framework on preventing late payments for SMEs and the do’s and dont’s for businesses regarding preventing and dealing with late payments.

You can find the recorded video on Youtube. To download the slides please login.

About the speaker:

After graduating in Law and Chinese studies Rene has worked and lived in China for the last eight years. Before joining ECOVIS he has been with several German SMEs and MNCs in Beijing.

He has a solid background in the mechanical engineering industry and know how in HR and market development for German companies in China. At ECOVIS he is responsible for client communication and business development. He focuses on topics like IIT reform, GDPR, etc. Due to his longstanding China experience he is often requested as a speaker for events.”


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