EU SME Breakfast Seminar: Digital Marketing and its Legal Environment

  • Date
    17 November 2017 - 17 November 2017
  • Beijing Time
    8:30 AM - 10:40 AM
  • Venue
    Luxembourg Embassy Unit 1701, Tower B, Pacific Century Place, 2A Gong Ti Bei Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 卢森堡驻华大使馆 北京市朝阳区工体北路甲2号 盈科中心B座
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The EU SME Centre in cooperation with the Benelux Chamber of Commerce is delighted to invite you to our next edition of the EU SME Breakfast Seminars, on November 17 at the Luxembourg Embassy, with a focus on digital marketing strategies and its legal environment when operating in China’s e-commerce world. In particular, mr Rafael Jimenez, EU SME Centre expert will give a comprehensive picture of the e-commerce world in China focusing on the essential tools for digital marketing (relating to the guideline launched by the EU SME Centre in September). Rafael will also discuss how to understand the Chinese consumer’s behaviour, describing the process of purchase and power of new data.

In addition, Mr David Tiang will analyse the difference between cross-border e-commerce and traditional e-commerce and will provide an overview of the recent policies regulating e-commerce and users privacy.


8.30 AM – 9 AM Registration 9 AM – 9.30 AM Presentation Rafael Jimenez 9.30 AM – 10 AM Presentation David Tiang 10 AM – 10.10 AM Q&A Session 10.10 AM – 10.40 AM Networking


For more information and registration, please click here.

About the Speakers

Rafael Jimenez

With more than six years’ hands-on experience in managing businesses in China, Rafael offers advice for European SMEs in developing practical marketing entry strategies in the country. Following a career at a senior level within the F&B and ICT industry, he arrived in China in 2009 as Director of a Spanish F&B company. He helped the company set up Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise in China, ran operations for three years and led a team of more than 100 employees.

David Tiang

the Principal of Tiang & Co., which is associated with PwC Legal International Pte Ltd (a licensed Foreign Law Practice) in Singapore. His current primary focus is on governance, risk management and compliance, and also has extensive experience in corporate commercial matters in China and other Asia jurisdictions. David has worked in Sydney, Hong Kong and Shanghai for different international law firms and was the Asia regional counsel for General Electric and Walmart. He was a partner with King & Wood Mallesons based in Shanghai from 2012 until the establishment of Tiang & Co. in 2017.

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