Clúster Alimentario de Galicia

+34 981 556 062 Address

Edificio FEUGA, Rúa Lope Gómez de Marzoa s/n, Campus Vida, 15705, Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña) Spain


Organisation Type

Cluster Association

Member state



English, French, Spanish , Galician

About Clúster Alimentario de Galicia

The food and beverage sector is strategic in Galicia due to its size and socioeconomic significance. In this context, the Galician Food and Drink Cluster (Clusaga) operates in an organised structure of the Galician food sector, integrating companies, research and innovation entities and other organisations into cooperation processes, to strengthen the sector. Clusaga’s leadership is based on transforming plans into actions, finding the means to develop new ideas to improve the competitive position of its associates, with the consequent increase in profitability in a sustainable manner.

Its role is to look at the general panorama, anticipate trends, and establish priorities and positioning strategies; and promote cooperation with agreements, networks, and alliances between companies, as well as joint projects with other agents both domestically and abroad. In line with the above, Clusaga works to build the intangible value of the Galicia brand that, associated with food and beverages, is recognised, and valued internationally as excellence.

Clusaga’s main mission is to contribute to the strengthening, empowerment, sustainable growth, and improved competitiveness and positioning in the global market of the Galician food sector, through innovation, collaboration, and the creation of new business opportunities.

Our Vision: Position the food sector of Galicia as a benchmark of excellence

Our Values: Collaboration, commitment, innovation, transparency, and excellence.