How to Develop Our Business Effectively in China

  • Date
    01 June 2017 - 01 June 2017
  • Beijing Time
    9:30 AM - 12:15 PM
  • Venue
    Fundesem Business School, Alicante
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Based on the experience of professionals and companies recognized in the market, the seminar will focus on some of the most frequent questions that companies ask when they decide to start and consolidate their business in China. The main objective of this seminar is to outline the practical aspects that define – in many cases – effective entry into China. This seminar is for entrepreneurs.


9:30 Welcome and presentation of the day.

9:35 First steps. Hong Kong, gateway to Asia.

Speaker: Ms. Virginia Seoane, Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)

9:50 Practical aspects of doing business in China. 10 golden rules to operate in China.


  • Mr. Stefano Passarello, Founder of People and Projects Ltd.
  • Ms. Judith Padrós, Director for Spain of People and Projects Ltd.

10:05 How to negotiate in Hong Kong, unlike Mainland China?

Speaker: Antonio Liu Yang – Director of Chinadesk by Jorge Muñoz Consultores and intercultural trainer.

10:30 Business Experiences.

How to relocate production to China and not die trying?

Practical Cases: Mustang, Famous.

Speakers: Mr. Daniel Ortiz, partner at Aitana Solutions Ltd.

11:00 Coffee and networking.

11:30 How to save on travel? 7 basic rules for controlling costs and improving productivity in business travel.

Speaker: Mr Marcel Forns, General Director of GEBTA (Guild of European Business Travel Agents)

11:45. New air connections to China. Policies and conditions of CATHAY PACIFIC for business travelers.

Rapporteur: Ms. Magda Briet, Cathay Pacific, Sales Executive Levante and Catalonia.

12:00 Types of visas and their processing. News and suggestions.

Speaker: Mr. Roger Llavaria, CAP 270, Commercial Director.

12:15 Colloquium and Closing.


To learn more about this event, please click here.

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